About Me

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Bellingham, Washington, United States
A High Priestess of the Georgian and NROOGD traditions of Wicca, a longarm quilter and fabric + fiber lover / artist, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mermaids and Earth Sanctuary

Hello beloveds!

Last weekend I and 7 of my mermaid buddies went to Whidbey island and stayed at Jill's moms house in Freeland. Near there is a fabulous sacred site called Earth Sanctuary. It's a self guided tour property of pathways to delightful and powerful spiritual installations set in a watery, live flow of run off coming from hills and landing in ponds that link up.

First we went to a vibrant Cretan labyrinth of salad and slate, purified and blessed one another at the entrance and proceeded to start our lives anew right then and there. Then we trekked over to a giant stone circle made of basalt columns where we charged up our blessed shells that bore wishes and blessings from our friday night ceremony. We left these shells at locations that felt powerful or meaningful to us.

I and a few others continued on the path to find a big beaver lodge in one of the ponds. How cool is that! All through this magical property are small stone portals and many spots for sitting and enjoying, praying or meditating. What a gift this family who created it have given us! There is a strong Buddhist and eastern feeling to the property, but the megaliths and other structures give a wonderful blend of pagan and native elements too. I can't wait to return!

Another highlight of the weekend was all of us mermaids dressing up and taking pics of each other as mermaids...what a fun time this was! I saw women transformed into juicy vamps with a silver tail!


Blessings of new ideas

How are you? I've been struck with a burst of energy for seeking further education and a new set of skills. Most of you know I've been running my own business for a few years now, quilting and embroidering for clients. It's been a real gift to have my own schedule and succeed in building a large client base. It's been particularly helpful to me during a time of higher needs from Marina and my own body just needing to take things slow. My last post was about exercise and I noticed a clarity of mind that came with my getting in better condition...and I'm not done with that process! I'm really pleased with the sense of accomplishment I get from exercising.....who knew!?

So my big excitement is the idea of returning to either community college or technical college to study computer networking or a related, well paying field. I'm still figuring out the best path for the best return on my educational investment. I already have a BA so I wouldn't necessarily do that again. And Marina will be up for college in two years so getting a higher paying job is crucial at that juncture.

It is always exciting to me to change paths and breathe new life into my spirit. And the thought of working in a male dominated field, populated mostly with young geeky guys doesn't bother me at all! I think my self possession and communication skills will serve me well there.

Blessings of spring to you!!