About Me

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Bellingham, Washington, United States
A High Priestess of the Georgian and NROOGD traditions of Wicca, a longarm quilter and fabric + fiber lover / artist, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blessings of Renewal

At the lavender farm

 I'm in Hawaii, and it's a good thing because after the rather overwhelming holidays, having some time to find myself again was needed.   Yesterday we were blessed to see many humpback whales on an all day cruise.

Today we had the idea to go to the 'cowboy' town on Maui, which isn't very cowboy-ish, but charming in its way.  On the way, we decided since the distances were actually pretty short, we'd go to Ali'i Kula  lavender farm first.

Lovely altar!

Turns out that was a great intuitive decision!  As we drove up the mountain and neared the farm, we were drawn in by the scent of sage from another farm and greeted by paragliders above us at the entrance to the lavender filled gardens!   The farm itself is so lovely, with a very spiritual atmosphere that was evident in many a specially created alcove or resting spot graced by a Buddha or a Kwan-Yin or a Hawaiian Goddess.

In fact, I think today's cowboy theme morphed into a completely multi cultural spirituality theme!   When we got to Makawao, the non cowboy town, the first place I went was an east Indian import store where we tried every singing bowl (the metal kind) there and practiced making them vibrate...

Then we went to a farmers market and I bought sprouts from one charming hippie boy and raw macadamia nuts from another!  (spirituality tie-in; one said his sprout money was going to help him fund a program idea he had to help attune people to live in harmony with the land... Sweet!  By the way, there is an herb store in Makawao, the Dragons Den, which helped with my raw throat today.   


After lunching in Pa'ia we went back up the mountain to The Sacred Garden of Maliko, a very spiritual place, with again the feeling of welcome for all faiths in solidarity. Labyrinths, statuary, koi ponds and a general feeling of loveliness and connection. I walked the two labyrinths, one a Chartres style (outside surrounded by jungle!) and the other a unicursal style, prayed in the Goddess sanctuary, and of course shopped in their gift shop.   Mmmm.