About Me

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Bellingham, Washington, United States
A High Priestess of the Georgian and NROOGD traditions of Wicca, a longarm quilter and fabric + fiber lover / artist, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Getting Down to Business

Well, hello! I have been busily trying to change my outlook on exercise, and to that end I have been continuing my Tai Chi at CMAA on Bakerview Rd, and am engaged in a quarter long, 3x/week program at WWU that is for people who need some kind of rehabilitation or are weak, like me! I am getting stronger ... I can feel it! I feel so blessed to have this training time, and my trainer, Abby, is delightful and a perfect handler for me.

I feel very encouraged and that "I can do it"!

I have realized that I must put much more of my focus on taking care of my body, which has been out of my control and feeling weaker. Elaine said to think of it as "my business" that needs taking care of every day, which struck a chord with me. I've been riding the bus up, which is an adventure in itself.

I love being up at WWU, it's so grand and interesting. Lots of energy from the student population and the learning atmosphere. I was approaching red square today and heard a raven calling, and noticed these nicely structured trees when I looked up to see if I could spot it.

I love the little glimpses of spring I've been seeing! I am hopeful that spring is on its way. Here are some catkins, which the trees present us before beginning to bud and leaf.