About Me

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Bellingham, Washington, United States
A High Priestess of the Georgian and NROOGD traditions of Wicca, a longarm quilter and fabric + fiber lover / artist, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Of Weddings, grasshoppers, Sandhill cranes, weasels and magpies

I've been traveling this weekend. Going on I-90 to Billings, MT for my sister in law Sheri's wedding. The wedding was held in St. Olaf Church near Roberts, MT...15 miles on a rocky road into the rolling green hills with mountain ranges around us.

I'm always amazed at the creatures that live in this part of the country, and I like to catalogue in my head what I've seen..

let's see, I saw Sandhill cranes (I've deduced), a few green grasshoppers and of course ravens and magpies, ospreys, a number of hawks, vultures, swans in a creek by the dirt road on the way to the church, pronghorns, a weasel in Costco parking lot, very cute, a few swallows and other sweet birds, cows, horse, bison (ranched), sheep, llamas, goats and little bunnies of course.
It's been lots of family visiting this weekend, the last time I'll see brother in law Brian before he becomes a daddy, met my two new step nephews that Sheri's new mate Rudy brings with him into the marriage, and excitement is building for Pam (sis in law) over her impending adoption.
It's been a little difficult for me being without Marina, she's in Hawaii. But i've gotten a lot of time with Mike on the road. It's been a little weird for me because I've been feeling unsettled lately. So of course my Virago/Virgo self picks at him.
But what I think the answer for me is, has to be found inside me, not by trying to pick apart someone else....
And I already knew that, I just didn't pull it out of my brain's crevasses until today.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sun with Clouds

My experience of life right now is sort of like this Pacific Northwest summer:  Some very lovely days and moments, but with clouds of all kinds, some heavy with rain and others fluffy and shade providing.

I have news of several friends who are losing their footing in this life; it illustrates to me the tenuousness of our being here, now.  Cancer, leukemia, other health issues all scare the crap out of me.   These are the clouds, of course... but aren't we used to that here?

And then the sun comes out and we appreciate the love and beauty of such blessings as my husband Mike's brothers and sisters having babies this summer, and of Sheri getting married in a couple weeks. 

I'm just flowing along with all this news, hoping I can send love where it is needed.  Because that's about all I can do sometimes. 

This is home, this is me.  Love and Blessings to you too....